Cloud Adoption and Migration

Cloud Adoption and Migration

Before migration to the cloud, it is essential to determine the right approach for application modernisation and we recognise the various challenges to overcome prior to migration such as cost and risk scoring.

Perform effective workload transformation and cloud migration with our automated discovery and assessment solution. We provide a complete view of all services, applications and infrastructure dependencies with cloud cost visibility, simplifying and accelerating cloud adoption and migration from a few months to less than four weeks.

  • Undertake a comprehensive IT Infrastructure, Workload and Application assessment and understand your cloud readiness posture across these layers
  • Provide a detailed cloud service mapping report along with a detailed TCO and ROI analysis which can be utilised by your business stakeholders
  • Determine which cloud service provider is best suited for application or workload with cost analysis and rightsizing recommendations
  • Kick-off your workload or application migration in an intuitive and secure manner 


Discovery and Assessment Workshop

Eliminate complexities of migration workloads by automated workload transformation with comprehensive migration assessment when you engage us for a discovery and assessment workshop. Through this workshop, enjoy:

  • Automated discovery – get a complete view of all services, applications and infrastructure dependencies
  • Migration risk scoring – for visibility of service and application migration risks
  • Cloud migration assessment – to simplify and accelerate migration to less than four weeks
  • Cost optimisation – for better cost arbitrage opportunities

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