Creating Smarter Traffic Solutions

Creating Smarter Traffic Solutions

Being a part of ST Engineering allows Scindia Shankar, Assistant Principal Engineer, Smart Mobility, Urban Solutions, to leverage advanced technologies for smarter solutions in traffic optimisation. Find out how she harnesses technology and innovation in her work.

Q: Tell us about your work.

My team and I focus on helping our customers with traffic optimisation. I take charge of the full software engineering process which includes getting information, studying them, designing, coding, testing, and maintenance.

Q: What do you love most about working in ST Engineering?

Throughout my career in ST Engineering, I have been able to gain extensive experience in all aspects of software development. Being involved in every stage has given me a deep understanding of the processes involved, and this has fueled my innovation and creativity in developing effective solutions with a positive impact.

Q: What advice would you like to highlight about ST Engineering?

A lot of the work that we do now are tech and digital-related, and go beyond traditional engineering. We now have even more opportunities to innovate and work with the latest technologies, integrating them in real-world applications.

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